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Introducing: Susan Dukow

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Susan Dukow spent 36 years in the motion picture industry working on award winning films. She retired and very successfully took up painting. And now she is on her newest adventure. Susan attended Girls High, an all-girls school in Philadelphia. Her 1968 class did what all classes do…went on and lived their lives. Then they had a reunion, then another. Then they discovered the power of Facebook. In the pandemic, they discovered the magic of Zoom. Finally, Susan asked them to write about their lives at girl’s high and their lives now, especially as seen through the pandemic. Forty-three of her classmates took up the challenge, and Susan was the editor, resulting in Unmute Yourself, Girlfriend: A Class Act.



I hope you enjoy this interview.

**The subtitles in the interviews are automatically generated. They are often messed up, and sometimes even embarrassing.  I apologize in advance.**

Jean Peelen

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